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Eriocaulon Quinquangulare (Emersed)

Eriocaulon Quinquangulare (Emersed)

Regular price $30.00
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This Eriocaulon Quinquangulare from India is a unique, emersed-grown plant perfect for terrariums or aquariums. With vibrant reddish coloration at the base and leaves fading to olive/orange towards the tips, it's sure to add an interesting dimension to your aquatic environment. Enjoy steady growth in good light and CO2 levels, but make sure not to shade the delicate plants. It prefers low alkalinity water and flourishes in ammonia-rich aquasoils. Direct flow/CO2 to the substrate zone for the best results.


Growth Rate: Slow

Placement: Midground / Foreground

Light Demand: High

CO2: High

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Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
Ramon Olvera

These plants added a lot more beauty to my fish tank.
Quality is exceptional.
Will definitely order more in the future.